STUDY 3: God the Son – 2

His Ministry Begins

As predicted in the Old Testament (Isaiah 40v3), Jesus‟ coming was announced by John the Baptist (Matthew 3v1-12) who pointed Him out as the Lamb of God (John 1v29) and baptised Him (Matthew 3v13-15), after which He was anointed by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3 v16-17). His Public Ministry did not begin immediately for He was first tested by Satan (Matthew 4v1-11). Having defeated him in the wilderness, Jesus entered on His Life‟s Work (Luke 4v13-15) by declaring His manifesto (Luke 4v18-21 cf Isaiah 61v1-2). During the next three years He went about fulfilling His promises by:

  1. “preaching good news to the poor” (Matthew 4v23-25; Matthew 11v4-6; Luke 16v16)
  2. “proclaiming freedom to the prisoners” (Matthew 9v1-8; Matthew 17v1418; Mark 5v1-20; Luke 7v11-17; Luke 23v39-43; John5v1-15; John 11v38-44)
  3. “the recovery of sight to the blind” (Matthew 9v27-31; Mark 8v22-26; John 9v1-12)
  4. “releasing the oppressed” (Matthew 8v14-17; Mark 5v25-34; Luke 14v1-4

Jesus‟ message was concerned with:

  1. Revelation — relating to God — i.e. the Kingdom of God (Mark 1v14) and the Fatherhood of God.
  2. Redemption — relating to man — the need for and provision of forgiveness (Luke 19v10).
  3. Restoration — that God can enjoy man‟s fellowship again and that man can know God‟s purpose for his life.

His teaching was gracious (Luke 4v22), authoritative (Matthew 7v29) and unique (John 7v46). It was presented in an unforgettable way, either by using a parable (e.g. Matthew 13; Mark 4v1-20; Luke 10v3037; Luke 15; John 10v1-18) or a miraculous event (John 6v11) or by actions and words (cf Mark 11v15-18; John 13v2-17).


His Death and Resurrection

But Jesus didn‟t merely talk about the Kingdom of God, He made it possible for people to enter it (John 3v3,5). For this to happen man‟s sin had to be dealt with and the demands of God‟s righteousness had to be met. The only way for this to happen was for a sinless substitute to take the place of sinful man and satisfy the demands of a Holy God. That substitute was Jesus who became the sinless sacrifice for sin. He bore the sin of the whole world (Hebrews 10v10; 1 Peter 2v24; 1 John 2v2). He endured the loneliness (Matthew 26v56; Matthew 27v46), the pain and suffering (Luke 22v44; Luke 23v35) and the ridicule (Matthew 27v2731; Luke 22v63-65) that we might be set free from the penalty of sin. His death was not a defeat but victory.  When He shouted out “it is finished” (John 4v34; John 19v30) He knew His work of redemption was finished (1 Peter 1v18-19), the power of Satan was broken (Colossians 1v13,14; 1 John 3v8), that access to God was again possible (Matthew 27v51; Hebrews 10v19,20).

On the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead (Matthew 28v5-7; Acts 2v24) and forty days later He returned to His Father (Acts 1v9) where He now lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7v25). He is now waiting for the day when He will return for His Church (Matthew 24v44; John 14v3; Acts 1v11; 1Thessalonians 4v16-17) — the Bride — to take her to be with Him in Heaven (Matthew 25v1-13; Revelation 21v1-7,9).


  1. What were the key events which took place just before Jesus began His Public Ministry? (Matthew 3v1-4v11)
  1. What was Jesus anointed to do? (Luke 4v18-19)
  1. What was different about Jesus‟ teaching? (Matthew 7v29; John 7v46)
  1. What were the three main themes of Jesus‟ message?
  1. What is the Kingdom of God? (cf. Matthew 5v3-12; Matthew 13; Luke 17v20-21) and how do we enter it? (John 3v3-5)
  1. What was the main purpose for which Jesus came       to the earth?  (Luke 19v10; John 10v10.)
  1. Why was Jesus called the „Lamb of God‟? (Isaiah 53v7 etc; John 1v29; Hebrews 9v28.)
  1. Where is Jesus now, and what is he doing? (Hebrews 7v25; Hebrews 9v24)
  1. How, when and why is He coming again? (Matthew 24v36,44; 1 Thessalonians 4v16-17;  1 Thessalonians 5v2, cf Luke 12v38-40; 2 Peter  3v10)


  1. Give three reactions to Jesus while on the Cross: (Matthew 27v54); (Luke 23v35); (Luke23v42)
  1. List three people who met the Risen Jesus: (John 20v 1); (Luke 24v13); (John 20v26)
  1. What happened 40 days after the Resurrection? (Acts 1v3,9)

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